Dear Parents, Dear Students,
Please find an update on the COVID-19 situation at LFSL.
The management team meets every morning to assess the situation and implement the needed measures.
So far, we don’t consider closing the school, however, we do not exclude this to happen later on, depending on how the situation develops.
We’ve asked our teachers to think about how to organize distance education in case of closure.
Even if we were to close the school, there would be a continuity of the educational service via remote working tools (Pronote, messaging, skype, etc.).
Please find a reminder of the measures that have been put in place in our school:
- Cancellation of school trips and outings in Sweden and abroad until further notice.
- Respect for hygienic measures and in particular the obligation for all students to wash their hands at the entrance of the school, after recreation and before the canteen.
- Staff and children who have been in a risk zone or in contact with an infected person must be quarantined for 14 days.
- Sick staff and children must stay at home
- Staff and children at risk (the elderly, people with cardiovascular disease, respiratory failure, diabetes, etc.) are invited to be very vigilant and to make the necessary arrangements.
You find more information about the situation in Sweden on the links below:
Given the overload of our administrative teams due to this complex situation and the numerous emails received from families, it is unfortunately not possible for us to respond to all of them.
Thank you for checking your email regularly to keep yourself informed.
Best regards,
Laurent Cantuel