AEFE scholarships

The scholarship campaign for the year 2020/2021 is now open and will run according to the following schedule:

  • deadline for submitting the application file to the embassy: March 18, 2020
  • date of meeting of the first pre-consular council: end of May
  • date of the plenary session of the consular council: mid-June

L’Agence pour l’Enseignement du Français à l’Etranger (AEFE) grants scholarships to French children, schooled at the Lycée Saint Louis in Stockholm, establishment approved by the AEFE in Sweden, from the preparatory course (CP) to the final year (Terminale), under conditions of revenue.

Children who do not have the possibility to follow an education in French (for reasons of geographic distance, or illness, for example) and wish to follow the courses via the National Center for Distance Education (CNED) can, under the same conditions, request the granting of a scholarship to offset the related costs.

All information relating to scholarships can be found on the French Embassy’s website.

Below you will find links to download the application form, the list of supporting documents and an information brochure (in French).

Information brochure
Application form
List of supporting documents