Tuition and Fees

The annual school fees 2024-2025 for children with a Swedish social security number *, who are registered in Sweden and for whom the school receives subsidies from the municipalities , are:

• 11 550 SEK / CP to CM2 (Elementary school)
• 12 700 SEK /
from 6ème to 3ème (Upper secondary school)
• 14 450 SEK /
from 2nd to Tale (High school)

The annual school fees 2025-2026 for children with a Swedish social security number *, who are registered in Sweden and for whom the school receives subsidies from the municipalities , are:

• 12 125 SEK / CP to CM2 (Elementary school)
• 13 350 SEK /
from 6ème to 3ème (Upper secondary school)
• 15 175 SEK /
from 2nd to 12 (High school)

* not included “coordination number”, “temporary social security number” or the child whose application for public registration has not yet been validated by the local authorities.


For children at High School whose parents are not EU / ESS / Swiss citizens as well as children, at all levels, for which the school has not received a guarantee that the municipalities provide subsidies at the date the place is offered, the annual school fee is SEK 147,000 for the school year 2024-2025 (full fee) and SEK 154 400 for the school year 2025-2026.
Reimbursement can then be made in proportion to the subsidies that the school may receive from the municipality later in the school year.
If the student does not obtain any personal identification number, the full fee must be paid.


A discount on the school fee is given to families with several children at our school.
The discount is given from the first class (CP); 15% for the third child, 20% for the fourth child, 25% for the fifth and additional children.


In the event of late arrival or early departure of the student, LFSL will invoice the tuition fees on a pro rata basis for the period of enrolment, on the basis of the full month and at an amount equivalent to 1/10th of the annual tuition fees per month started, plus any months of notice not respected.

The school fees are determined and can be adjusted by the Board of the Lycée Français Saint Louis Foundation. They are billed in two instalments; one invoice for the autumn term and one invoice for the spring term.

Fees for “Förskola” et “Périscolaire-Fritids”

Lycée Français pre-school and “Périscolaire-Fritids” apply “max-taxa”, a fee set by Stockholms Stad, based on the household’s income, with a cost ceiling.