Organized in cycles: The French educational system is organized in school years, which are grouped into learning cycles.
The teaching team accompanies the students to acquire the knowledge, skills and culture of the common core.
The goal is to be approved at the end of “3ème”. Therefore, three stages are created, consisting of three years each, to give the students time to develop their knowledge.
The acquisition of these skills prepares the students to continue their studies after high school, and to become good citizens.
Educational Offer
The LFSL’s educational offer is consistent with the French National Education programs with an opening to the hosting country through the establishment of a Swedish International Section.
Consult the full range of courses, options and specialties offered at LFSL in the registration guide (in French).
More specifically, at Lycée three alternatives are offered to the students:
– Baccalauréat, general option
– French International Baccalauréat (BFI)
– Baccalauréat and Gymnasieexamen (Swedish diploma equal to the Baccalauréat)
Access the different alternatives and the corresponding options for each class (in French): Seconde, Première, Terminale.
After 3ème at the Lycée Français Saint Louis
The most common is that the students continue their studies at our school by applying to the “2nd” in the Lycée.
Lycée Français Saint Louis offers the Baccalaureate in general education – in 1ère and Terminale: It consists of written and oral tests. To receive the diploma, the student must achieve a grade point average of 10/20.
There has been a reform of the Baccalaureate exam for 2020. The Baccalaureate studies extend over 2 years with continuous control tests and final exams that take place during 1ère and / or Terminale. A major oral exam takes place at the end of the Terminale.
Students are also given the opportunity to take a French International Baccalauréat (BFI).
For more information (in French)
Getting a baccalauréat opens the door to higher education in France, Sweden or other countries through equality systems.
The Swedish teaching at Lycée Français Saint Louis
A Swedish education is added to the French education so that the students receive a recognized education in Sweden and France.
Students with Swedish as their mother tongue can also add to their studies a Swedish high school diploma (Gymnasie-examen).
More information about Swedish at LFSL: Swedish teaching
What are the equivalents between the French and Swedish systems?
How do you continue to high school and after
The different members of the teaching group (the management, librarians, teachers), inform the students and prepare them. The main teachers are the main contacts regarding further studies.
Two staff members take care of the daily study guidance at the school: The Language Coordinator and the Information and Reference resource.
You can find more information about the Swedish studies on these pages:
Information on orientation concerning Swedish upper secondary education at the LFSL
Internal information site on orientation concerning Swedish upper secondary education – in Sweden