
LFSL provides resources to help students and their families in their choice of school counselling for the French, Swedish or International higher education system.

The Resource Staff for Information and Guidance (PRIO), Perrine Motch and the  Swedish Education Coordinator, as well as the entire teaching team (Headmaster, CPE, Head teachers , teachers, librarians…) are present to actively prepare students for their choice of orientation.

The CDI and room A8 in the annex provide students with brochures published by ONISEP, issues of the magazine L’Etudiant, as well as information documents sent by higher education institutions.

Digital resources are available to High School students from the school computers : GPO3 orientation education software and ONISEP (Biblionisep) digital brochures.

School Councelling in the French system : The Future Path

It is the Future Path (registered in the law of school councelling and programming for the refoundation of the school of the Republic of July 8, 2013) which formalizes the education in orientation and the preparation for a successful professional integration.
This ocurse aims to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to project oneself into the future and make reasoned and informed choices of orientation. This Future Path is closely connected to the School’s educational project.
All students from 6ème to final year are concerned and this orientation education is done within the framework of teaching (disciplinary and interdisciplinary), specific support times (personalized support, personalized orientation interviews, etc.) or even events and sequences of discovery (company internship, job forum, training forum, etc.)

The Future Path has 3 objectives:

  • Develop its educational and professional orientation project
  • Develop a sense of commitment and initiative
  • Understand the economic and professional world and know the diversity of professions and programs.

    At the instigation of the Headmaster, many LFSL actors participate in this system:
  • The head teachers
  • Resource personnel in information and orientation (PRIO)
  • Teachers
  • The librarian and the Principal Education Advisor (CPE)
    LFSL’s orientation resources (sitography, digital resources, ONISEP subscriptions, software, etc.) are accessible via Pronote, “Portail CDI” (LFSL’s E-Sidoc Portal), “Find out about” / “orientation” tab .

    Other useful links (in French) :
    Orientation on the AEFE website  : https://www.aefe.fr/orientation/construire-son-parcours/parcours-individuel-de-leleve
    Onisep brochure on Orientation : https://fr.calameo.com/read/0000375473084cc8a2978


Useful links:

Information on orientation concerning Swedish upper secondary education at the LFSL

Internal information site on orientation concerning Swedish upper secondary education – in Sweden

Option International Baccalaureate (OIB)

Diplôme National du Brevet International (DNBI)

University Studies in Sweden