The School Council (Conseil d’établissement) is the main body ruling on the issues of the school. It is responsible for both primary and secondary levels regarding the school pedagogical matters.
The School Council is a tripartite body with equal numbers of representatives from the Administration, the personnel, the parents and the students.
It meets on ordinary session three times a year on the initiative of the Headmaster.
Administration – Members with voting rights
Mrs Katerina Doytchinov, Conseillère de Coopération et d’action culturelle (COCAC)
Mr Denis Ravaille, Headmaster
Mr. Fabrice Palhies, Elementary School Headmaster
Mr. Laurent Pentinat Assistant Headmaster
Mr Txomin Diaz, Financial Director (DAF)
Mr. Olivier Cureau, Conseiller Principal d’Éducation (CPE)
Members with an advisory capacity
Mr. Olivier Priou, Consul of France
Mrs. Nadine Pripp, Consular adviser
Mrs. Nathalie Parmegiani, Consular adviser
Mrs. Audrey Lebioda, Consular adviser
Mrs. Noémie Altschul Green, Consular adviser
Mrs. Mona-Marleen Antonson, HR Director
Mrs. Åsa Conway, Language Coordinator
Mrs. Tess Le Riche, Vice-president CVL
Representatives of the secondary level teachers
Mr. Laurent Boudrique
Mrs. Hélène Lacouque
Representatives of the primary level teachers
Mrs. Hélène Antropius
M. Serge Moussay
Mrs. Eva Jolly
Mrs. Stéphanie Priou-Reveillez
Administrative personnel representative
Mr. Frédéric Vinazza
Parent representatives
Mrs. Stéphanie Ollu
Mrs. Bénédicte Berké
M. Jean-Christophe Dollé
M. Vincent Lecoanet
Mr. Fabrice Donguy
Mrs. Anne Palmqvist
Mr. Kevin Renaudin
Mrs. Melinda Bardin
Student representatives
Mrs. Naima Winroth Rousseau
Mr. Gabriel Kylenfelt
Mrs. Lou Lempereur
Mr. Robinson Mahe
In order to get in contact with the School Council, please turn to the secretarial office:
To contact the parents’ representatives:
Minutes from the School Council meetings (in French): CE Minutes