Périscolaire – Fritids (leisure center)

The Stockholm Municipality has approved Lycée Français Saint Louis (LFSL) as a “Fritidshem” (an independent leisure center), called Périscolaire-Fritids, and we follow the same rules as the City of Stockholm.

The “Fritidshem” is aimed at students between CP and CM1 and should contribute to children’s development, care and learning. Its mission is found in the Swedish curriculum LGR22. Students can be at the “Fritidshem” both before and after the school day and during holidays.

Children get a place in a “Fritidshem” to the extent needed with regard to the parents’ work or studies – or if the pupil has own needs due to the family’s situation in general.

LFSL receives an allowance from the municipalities for each child registered at Périscolaire-Fritids, and a place can only be guaranteed if the requirements set by the municipalities are met (the child’s registration, address, family circumstances, etc.)

Other municipalities may have other rules (fee, maximum rate, notice period, etc.) and guardians who do not live in the Stockholm municipality are encouraged to contact their own municipality for more information.

Rules for Périscolaire-Fritids (in French)
Rules for Périscolaire – Fritids (in Swedish)

Income Form

TYRA – General Conditions