Middle School / High School

photo / copyright: roger schederin www.studiolighthouse.se

The « Collège » welcomes children during four years after Elementary school. In the “6ème” students adapt to the organization and the living environment of “Collège”. During the “5ème”, “4ème” and “3ème” students develop their skills in different disciplines and in cross-curricular courses. After the “collège”, students continue their education in the “Lycée” (high school), which is organized in three years: the “seconde”, “première” and “terminale”.


In “Collège”, the courses are located at the main building of the LFSL. For the Lycée, they are located in the annex a few minutes walk from the main building. Lycée students go to the main building to take science and sports classes and for lunch.

The timetable is organized in a 55-minute class session. The schedule for each division runs from 8:00 to 12:05, and from 13:10 to 18:20 from Monday to Friday. It should be added the time to devote each day to personal work at home.


The teaching is based on a set of disciplines that all rely on the common foundation of knowledge, skills and culture.

  • French

  • Mathematics

  • History geography

  • Moral and civic education

  • Modern languages

  • Life and earth sciences

  • Chemical Physics

  • Technology

  • Physical education and sport

  • Plastic arts

  • Music Education

At the level of languages, Swedish courses are provided to all students from the CP and continues in Collège. English is taught from 6ème to Terminale as a language 1 (in a level group). German and Spanish are offered as languages 2, from the 5ème. The student can add the study of Latin from the 5ème (CNED).

Educational Offer

The LFSL’s educational offer is consistent with the French National Education programs with an opening to the hosting country through the establishment of a Swedish International Section.

Consult the full range of courses, options and specialties offered at LFSL in the registration guide (in French).

More specifically, at Lycée three alternatives are offered to students:
– Baccalauréat 
– French International Baccalauréat
– Baccalauréat and Gymnasieexamen (Swedish diploma equal to the Baccalauréat)

Access the different alternatives and the corresponding options for each class (in French): Seconde, Première, Terminale.


The courses include periodic evaluations: homework, oral and written questions. Parents receive each quarter the “Quarterly Bulletin” which includes averages, opinions and advice of the teachers. The class council (Conseil de classe) is composed of all teachers of the division, the delegated representatives of students and parents, it is chaired by the Principal. It issues an opinion on the results, work and behaviour of all students. It pronounces in the 3rd trimester on the orientation of each student.


 • Le diplôme national du brevet (DNB) – end of 3ème :  Its obtaining is based on the points cumulated at the evaluation of the base (continuous control) and the tests of the terminal examination. The final examinations consist of four written tests: French, mathematics, history and geography, science. Students who have followed the Swedish section also sit the slutprov test.

• Le Baccalauréat d’enseignement général – end of terminale : It consists of written and oral tests. To be admitted, it is necessary to reach the average of 10/20. Some exams like French are held in advance at the end of 1ère. The other tests are sited at the end of the class of Terminale. Students also have the opportunity to obtain the French International Baccalauréat (BFI). A reform of the baccalauréat is currently in progress, find more information on the website of the Ministry of Education.

• Gymnasie-examen for students who have followed the Swedish international section.

The Student Caps – a Swedish tradition: at the end of the school year, the students of terminale, their parents and their teachers are invited to a ceremony under the presidency of the Ambassador of France. During this festival, all students wear the cap, symbol of the end of their secondary education and their entry into adulthood.


Each class has a main teacher (Professeur principal – PP) who is:

  • The main contact for students for all matters regarding life at school, and their studies
  • The main contact for families and the coordinator of the teaching team of the class.

Meetings between parents and teachers are organized several times during a school year:

A few weeks after the start, the main teacher organizes an information meeting

After the class councils of the 1st quarter and the 2nd trimester, individual meetings with the teachers are organized
During the year, parents can make an appointment with a teacher by sending a request directly or by asking the secretarial office.