This year, once again, our school took part in the project “Ambassadeurs en herbe” which, from primary school to high school, implements skills of plurilingualism and linguistic and cultural mediation around current international issues.
Speaking games, in French, allow participating students to defend their point of view on a question submitted to them; Summaries of interpreting in English are then used to summarize the debates following the speakers’ presentations.
This tournament is organized in three stages: a selection at the school level, then a second selection at the level of our zone, before a big meeting of the “Ambassadeurs en herbe” in Paris in May.
For this 2019 session, we are therefore happy to announce that Omega Lundqvist Simbizi, a student in 2nde at the LFSL, was selected as an English language speaker during the “zone” selection organized by the Jean Monnet High School in Brussels, and that she will therefore could go to the grand finale organized in Paris and placed under the aegis of AEFE and UNESCO!
Congratulations to the 4 other LFSL ambassadors who have brilliantly defended the colors of our school! “