European Sport Games 2019

Our selection of six 5èmes: Alizée, Maxime, Maïlys, Thelonius and Linn highlighted the LFSL and Sweden at the European Sport Games which took place in Moscow from May 27 to June1.

They shined the first day by winning the events of:
Orientation course in the beautiful Kolomenskoye park in the morning

And that of the cultural route through the capital of Russia and its sumptuous metro stations un the afternoon

We congratulate them for their 3rd place in the handball tournament and their 4th place overall among 12 teams from all over Europe (Barcelona, Lisbon, London, Dusseldorf, Prague, Rome, Warsaw and also Tbilisi, Casablanca, Moscow A and B).

But also for their exemplary behaviour and fair play throughout this adventure, rich in discoveries and encounters!

Congratulations to this beautiful team supervised by their Sports teacher, Odile Sudre, and their mathematics teacher, Philippe Cailluet.

Thank you to the organizers who have put forward the sport values and thus made this sporting event unforgettable for all involved!