Integration Day 2019

On Friday August 23, 2019, Lycée Français Saint Louis in Stockholm organized, for the first time, an integration day for all students in “collège” and “lycée”.

In the name of conviviality and discovery, this day was part of LFSL: s School Project in order to reinforce the cohesion and the well-being of the pupils and thus put them in the best conditions for success in the coming school year.

The students in “lycée” met in the morning for a Rubgy touch game and even the rain couldn’t dampen their enthusiasm! In the afternoon, they were able to enjoy a theater animation composed of vocal exercises and breathing.

For the students, this day was an occasion to establish the 6ème / 3ème mentoring and for the older students to accompany those who had just joined the “collège”. In the afternoon, the students were able to participate in the Great Game “Les indices de Saint Louis”, in teams composed of 8-10 students of each level, they had to find clues in the corridors of the LFSL: a mathematical problem , an enigma, a charade at the CDI, a fresco in visual arts, a musical quiz, sporting events … at the end of the day. they could all meet in the Aula to share a well-deserved snack together!

Congratulations to the students for their participation and their enthusiasm and thank you to all the educational team for organizing this beautiful day!