Dear families,
Since announcing last Wednesday that teaching in “élémentaire” will take place in the school’s premises from Thursday, May 7, the pedagogical and administrative teams have mobilized so that this return takes place in a welcoming way and in the best safety conditions for staff and students.
Please find a link below to a document presenting the new process and organization of this “new” back to school as well as a document concerning the teaching of Swedish.
More information will also be sent by your children’s teachers, regarding the organization of the days.
Terms regarding return on site
Info regarding Swedish teaching (in French and Swedish)
Thank you for reading these documents carefully, we’d like to draw your attention to a few points:
- Keep your child at home if in doubt, we will measure the children’s temperature every morning before entering the building.
- Read and follow the instructions regarding the places where to drop off and pick up your children.
- Do not enter the building for any reason, if you must reach the school you can communicate by email with your contact or by phone (you can reach the secretarial office at +46 8 441 3030) .
In addition, we thank you for taking the time to discuss with your child about the conditions for this return and to make them aware of compliance with the sanitary measures in force:
- Wash hands frequently with soap and water, before meals, after break and after visiting the toilet. Use hydro alcoholic gel when necessary.
- Avoid touching ones face and eyes.
- Cough or sneeze into the fold of the arm or into a paper tissue.
- Respect as far as possible the distance and avoid close contact.
Classroom discussions and reminders will take place with the teachers, but it is important that these instructions also come from you and that you share them with your child.
We remain at your disposal for any questions you may have and wish our teachers and elementary school students a good return on site.
Laurent Cantuel – Headmaster
Maël Renault – Director of Elementary