To obtain the Gymnasieexamen you need to have:
– at least the grade E (9/20) in 2 250 points.
– and at least the grade E in Swedish/Swedish as a second language 1, 2 et 3, English 6, Mathematics 1
– and the grade E in your TPT (personal high school work)
To obtain the Gymnasieexamen you also have to choose certain spécialités (options) in your Baccalauréat:
For Samhällsvetenskaplig examen (Social Science diploma):
In 1ère: Required – Histoire géographie, géopolitique et sciences politiques and Sciences économiques et sociales
In Tale: With the Samhällsvetenskaplig examen you can choose wich two spécialités to continue with.
For Naturvetenskaplig examen (Natural Science diploma):
In 1ère: Required – Mathématiques, Physique-Chimie, SVT
In Tale: Required – Physique-Chimie and SVT + Maths complémentaires OR Mathématiques + Biologie Suédoise.
N.B.! You need to go to to see what is demanded if you are interested in higher education in Sweden. For example, you need matematik 4, fysik 2, kemi 2 and biologi 2 to study to become a doctor, which you only can achieve with a gymnasieexamen NAT, at LFSL. Your french baccalauréat won’t be enough.