Training Day for Delegates

As part of citizenship education, Lycée Français Saint Louis of Stockholm organized a training day on November 12 for all student delegates in “6ème” to “Terminale”.

In order for the delegates to get a full understanding of the different bodies of representation it is essential that they understand their role and the principles of how things work. To become full-fledged members of the educational community, and not only seen as interlocutors, it is indeed important to train and accompany the student delegates.

The delegates at “college” and “lycée” enjoyed, during this special day, the presentation of LFSL’s services to better understand the functioning of the school. They then discussed the role of the delegate and the reasons why they decided to be delegates. The training ended with a simulation of a class council where each student could take a role and fully immerse him(her)self in this universe.

All this took place in a friendly atmosphere where the delegates from “collège” and “lycée” could exchange together and get to know each other better.