The Spring of Poets in CM1

This year, CM1C and CM1 B participated in the Spring of Poets (Le printemps des poètes) whose main goal is to promote access to poetry and encourage the reading of poems. The children met a poet, Rémi Coste, who taught them to write and read poetry. This project ended with a moment of sound poetry, …

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Cinécourts en herbe 2021

The Stockholm jury, this year composed of students from CP to CM2 only, is pleased to unveil the winners of primary school films on video!Watch the video below already. This project is carried out in collaboration with Lycée français in Luxembourg and Brussels. In this 6th edition, Cinécourts 2021, participated more than 2,000 students , …

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Class Council Planning

Please find below the planning for class coucils, third term 2020-2021. Class Council Planning

Languages in May

On the occasion of Modern Languages ​​Week 2021, which takes place from May 17 to 21, 2021, students and language teachers at LFSL have produced a video to highlight all the languages ​​spoken in our community.Long live languages ​​and multilingualism! Watch the video here below!

A musical against bullying at school: “Si tout était à refaire”

As part of the week against bullying at school, students in collège worked for several months on the production of a musical to educate their classmates on this subject. This musical is created by the music teacher at LFSL, Alexandre Pier Federici, who has composed the music and written the lyrics. The EPS teacher, Hélène …

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Poster competition to fight bullying at school

As part of the week against bullying in schools, a poster competition was organized to raise awareness on the subject. Two posters were awarded for the occasion and the lucky winners were Leana Molina and Victoire Ferreira, students in 5e, for their poster highlighting respect for differences and Maé Bruneau, in 6e, for her poster …

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Course aux nombres 2021

The students in “collège” at LFSL brilliantly competed in this year’s math competition, “Course aux nombres 2021” !The finalists were awarded a diploma and among them, the top trio of each class level participated in the awards ceremony in the presence of the mathematics team, A Mrs. Lempereur and Mr. Loyson on Tuesday, April 6. …

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